
ICT Cabling and Facilities
Consulting & Design

Reduce project risk and improve overall outcomes for your enterprise ICT cabling and facilities projects by utilising iiSolutions key staff.

Data Centre Infrastructure Management Professional Services

Improve your understanding and control when deploying Data Centre Infrastructure Management systems with our DCIM team.

Cabling Audit, Inspection &
Documentation Services

As businesses grow and change, so does their ICT infrastructure. Those changes aren’t always fully documented. Let our team help.


Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM)
DCIM enablement, user training, system improvement, support
Data centre design, inspections, commissioning planning, witness testing
nexus 6 1
ICT building services briefs, cabling designs and infrastructure solutions
Infrastructure asset data exploration and manipulation
Infrastructure audits and drafting and documentation

Fieldwize OSP

Manage external network assets and their connectivity
Drill right down to a single fibre core or pair, analysing which IT service runs over each fibre
Integrate with geospatial systems (e.g. Google Maps/Earth or others) for visualisation of your assets
Reach across multiple sites spread over large geographical areas


iiSolutions was established in 2006 by Mick Joslin.

As your business grows and changes, so too do your ICT infrastructure needs. iiSolutions can help you to successfully manage those needs, ensuring your ICT infrastructure enhances your business rather than holds it back. Our services and solutions are centered on helping your business to achieve continued success. Established in 2006, our experience is broad and in-depth.

We have worked with countless corporations and government agencies in Queensland and on Australia’s eastern seaboard, lifting both their ICT and overall business performance while delivering new efficiencies and genuine savings.

about us e1570596520557